Dual-Functional Lipid-Like Nanoparticles for Delivery of mRNA and MRI Contrast Agents

Authors: X. Luo, B. Li, X. Zhang, W. Zhao, A. Bratasz, B. Deng, D.W. McComb and Y. Dong

Journal: Nanoscale

DOI: 10.1039/C6NR08496F

Publication - Abstract

December 15, 2016


Multi-functional nanomaterials possess unique properties, facilitating both therapeutic and diagnostic applications among others. Herein, we developed dual-functional lipid-like nanoparticles for simultaneous delivery of mRNA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents in order to express functional proteins and provide real-time visualization. TT3-Gd18 LLNs were identified as a lead formulation, which was able to encapsulate 91% of mRNA and 74% of Gd. This formulation showed a comparable or a slightly higher delivery efficiency of mRNA compared to the initial TT3 LLNs. Moreover, a strong MRI signal was observed in the cell pellets treated with TT3-Gd18 LLNs. More importantly, TT3-Gd18 LLNs demonstrated an efficient delivery of mRNA and Gd contrast agents in vivo.

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